Colorectal cancer mortality rate,

colorectal cancer mortality rate

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly benefits of detox tea. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Methods A retrospective study of patients with small bowel cancers admitted to a tertiary emergency center, over the past 15 years.

Results There were 57 patients with small bowel cancer, representing 0. There were 37 Out of 57 patients, 48 There were 10 The most frequent neoplasms were gastrointestinal stromal tumor in 24 patients The prevalence of duodenal adenocarcinoma was Obstruction was the complication in adenocarcinoma in Conclusion Primary small bowel cancers are usually diagnosed at advanced stages, and revealed by a local complication of the tumor.

colorectal cancer mortality rate

Their surgical management in emergency setting is associated to significant morbidity and mortality rates. The diagnosis of these tumors is often delayed due to their nonspecific symptoms, usually being made during an acute complication of the disease.

colorectal cancer mortality rate

The secondary objectives were to determine early morbidity and mortality associated with surgical resection, and to correlate the pathology of the tumor with its clinical picture. The selection criteria were duodenal, jejunal or ileal tumor; and histopathological examination proving the small bowel malignant neoplasm.

  • Colorectal cancer mortality rates constantly increased, more evidently after
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Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, and the categorical ones as number percent. Categorical variables were compared by the χ 2 tests.

colorectal cancer mortality rate

The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis statistical significance was set at 0. We also did an electronic search at the databases of the Colorectal cancer mortality rate. Only English language literature was selected for further analysis.

Electronic and manual cross-referencing was used further to find more relevant sources. The mean age for males was 58± We observed a mean interval from onset of symptoms to surgical treatment of 73 days, with 2.